Export of cultural works of art from Italy is subject to law n. 490 of October 29th, 1999 and later modifications.

Export of cultural works of art out of the European Community is ruled by the CEE regulation n. 3911/92 and dated December 9th, 1992, later modified by CEE regulation n. 2469/96 dated December 16th, 1996 and by law n. 490 of October 29th, 1999 and later modifications.

The buyer has to apply for the certificate and Bazzani Stampe Antiche is not responsible and cannot guarantee that the certificate will be granted; however payment for the purchases is due and the denial of the certificate can not be considered a reason for cancelling the sale. Bazzani Stampe Antiche does not ship goods from Italy for Customers abroad without the previous presentation of the certificate.

The goods on sale can’t be “TAX FREE”, because they are subject to a special VAT regulation, ruled by law n. 41, art. 36-40, dated February 2nd , 1995, and later law of March 22nd, 1995, n. 85.